Storage boxes

I have a Problem with the boxes.
I make a entry in the deployable and instance_deployable.
I also made a entry in the dayz in server_playerSync and server_updateNearbyObjects.
But when i spawn the box, i dont see it.
The DB say it exist, but i cant see it.
I used the USOrdnanceBox_EP1.
What could i do?

Der Shadow,
i had the same issue but i found that the boxes were spawning in the air... i had to make sure the corrds i was using were correct so double check the coords and then look for the box...mine were either underground or 50 to 100 m in the air
I followed the instructions and the boxes stays in the DB, and it shows on my map in the DayZ Control Center. But they are not visible in game, they are not in the air either. The RPT log shows:

"IGNORED USOrdnanceBox_EP1 oid#48 cid:0 "
"IGNORED USOrdnanceBox_EP1 oid#49 cid:0 "
"IGNORED USOrdnanceBox_EP1 oid#50 cid:0 "

Whats wrong?

Edit: I finally got it to work. Thanks to ebay's post here

Edit2: Also, by adding other classnames to the functions.sfq and the other places mentioned in this thread I was able to use the other ammo crates.

Edit3: A great way to place ammocrates, is to place a tent ingame. Close server and change the deploy ID in the DB from tent to the crate you want. Restart and log back in and there should be a crate where you placed the tent.
I'm still having issues though. It seems the database won't update the inventory. So each server restart it reverts back to the inventory I placed when first creating the database entry. The RPT log shows it writing an updated inventory when I place/take items:

"HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:303:61:[""Inventory here""]

But the database doesn't actually update...

dayz_server_config.hpp settings:
// Enable object publishing check
//  CheckObject true  - Tents and objects are checked and only published to database if valid classes
//  CheckObject false - Object check is disabled and they are always published
#define CheckObject false

Snippet from server_updateObject.sqf
_object_inventory = {
    _inventory = [
        getWeaponCargo _object,
        getMagazineCargo _object,
        getBackpackCargo _object
    _previous = str(_object getVariable["lastInventory",[]]);
    if (str(_inventory) != _previous) then {
        _object setVariable["lastInventory",_inventory];
        if (_objectID == "0") then {
            _key = format["CHILD:309:%1:%2:",_uid,_inventory];
        } else {
            _key = format["CHILD:303:%1:%2:",_objectID,_inventory];
        #ifdef OBJECT_DEBUG
        diag_log ("HIVE: WRITE: "+ str(_key));
        _key call server_hiveWrite;

At the end there I see "_key = format["CHILD:303:%1:%2:",_objectID,_inventory];"

And what the RPT log shows seems to skip %2 which is unique_ID from what I can understand from the code " diag_log(format["Non-string Object: ID %1 UID %2", _objectID, _uid]);"

Can anyone tell my why? The tutorial told to "give random ass ID", but is there any parameters it needs to follow? A certain number of numbers ect?

I just pictched a tent and the RPT log shows ""HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:309:291441286010219:[[[],[]],[["ItemBloodbag"],[1]],[[],[]]]:"""

There is clearly something wrong with the way the hive tries to write to crates to the ammobox.

Same issue, data base don't update.

Edit : same for tent but update of vehicle works

Edit 2 : I m not really efficiency in arma code but i think the code is not the problem, the problem is that there is no call of this code. Function "update inventory" is no used.
Well to me it seems it updates the database, but for the wrong objects! Looking at my list of vehicles, they are filled, FILLED with assault riffles... It must write the crates inventory to the vehicles instead. I tried to change the CHILD:303 to immitate 309 (tents) but that didn't work either...
We agree, it is not the act of creating or filling but does update the inventory compared to the former. Looks like he does not want new but maintains that given to creation. I redid a clean and always the same fault system. I also think that this is a problem in the id. The tents have the same id in the rpt but have a different one.
My temporary solution is to place an item in the box, take it out. Check the RPT log for the updated inventory and copy paste that into the DB. I only restart the server once a day and I have about 5 boxes so it's not that big of a hassle. Still would like it to be automatic though,
Hi all,
I'm looking for an ammo box script and wanted to ask if this one is right for my plan.
I would like to have an empty Ammobox to our Admin base , so my members and I can fill this with the freshly collected loot :D

This script would be ideal? And if not could someone tell me wich one would be correct for this plan??
Thank You very much!!

Hi, just read this thread.

WOW! As a helpful answer I never got...... great.
I have already tested this.
They spawn wonderful but if I take out or place what in is not purely updatetd in the database.
And would not it be so great if I put 10 full tents and it is not stored....

Can someone help me that understand some of them?

Thanks a lot!!

As I said if you read the end of the comments, it does not work perfectly, you can put 10 items in the box but it's not written in the database, you must do what Stridstiss speak.

If I told you what I told you is that it gives the impression that you have read the topic title but not the four pages, because it is exactly what you ask and answer your question is on the end of the comments.

So now here we are, a perfect spawn boxs but no update of DBs.
Sorry for the cheeky answer :(
We really hope that someone has the solution. If I find something I'll give Feedback.
what about in adding this box as an deployable?
i got a LHD aircraft carrier spawned this way with the db... (rmod needed though...)
i guess its worth a try?
I can assume that you use GLT_LHD addon? If you spawn it as a deployable will vehicles not fall thtought on restart? Im looking for a solution to this problem.
Has anyone found an answer for the boxes not writing to the database? Im trying to get it to work with Overwatch 0.2.5 with no luck either. They spawn, without being deleted but will not save gear i put in. ( Database method )
try other boxes, some of them write some of them not. diffrent from mod to mod (and sometimes noone of them write to the hive)
Did anyone figure out why the contents isnt being written to the database? I am currently on Chernarus and using the USOrdnanceBox_EP1. Everything seems to be fine except when the hiveext.log shows that is wrote to the database and I go into the db and refresh the contents isnt actually there. Btw I am using Reality hive.

2014-03-07 22:18:59 HiveExt: [Information] Method: 303 Params: 18583487888888888:[[[],[]],[[ItemMorphine],[1]],[[],[]]]:
2014-03-07 22:18:59 HiveExt: [Information] Result: ["PASS"]

Thanks in advance.