Strip Vehicle Parts


New Member
hey dudes I used dayz_code file: using this link. I inserted the files as mentioned (below) and the strip vehicle parts works a treat.

Compile: fn_selfActions
External: ss_remove
init: compiles and variables

and obviously edited my Mission.pbo init file //Load in compiled functions...

The problem is that there's no zombies at all since I have added this to my Mission.pbo, can you help me dudes as I am new to all of this. I need the zombies back. I have't checked for loot neither, but a player said that wasn't spawning now.

my dropbox with the mission file in it is

[email protected]
Password: 19851985

This drop box is for dayz pbo file use only
Also dude I have added the remove vehicle parts to my Xstremegaming server and it works a treat, however there's no zombies or loot is spawning. If you could have a glance at that pbo file (on dropbox named 'dayz_1.chernarus') and identify the problem I'd much appreciate it.