t.hundero.us New Takistan


Well-Known Member
t.hundero.us New Takistan | : 3153

This is a heavily customized Takistan DayZ server (with no addon downloads). New towns and areas have been added, existing towns and areas have been rebuilt - everything from zombie AI to player stealth to loot has been rebalanced in order to make Takistan more playable (and challenging) in DayZ. We also have active admins and an old school DayZ community (mostly friendly but brutal, a few bandit clans, a few heroes).

Here's some of what's been added -

New Areas
  • New towns and villages (marked on map)
  • Expanded existing towns and villages
  • Expanded both North and South Airfields
  • Expanded oil fields and industrial areas
  • Military checkpoints on remote roads
  • Junkyards in remote areas for random vehicle parts
  • Refugee camp, diplomatic retreat, mountaintop ruins
  • Some rare ammo and items can be crafted
  • Occasional air drops
  • Self blood bag once every 5 minutes (10% chance to infect)
  • Tweaked zed AI slightly to make the Takistan zombie hordes more realistic
  • "Recognize" players with name tag that displays within 50 m
  • 30 sec God Mode on spawn to protect from spawn camping
  • Desert versions of camo, weapons and vehicles
  • 200 vehicles, many cars have a chance to spawn with a spare tire
  • Full moon nights / low overcast skies
  • Turned off rain (in the desert...)
  • Custom loot table (rare weapons are actually rare now)
  • Added features like vehicle space counters to more closely match current DayZ
Server Rules
  • No spawn camping. There is a bug (feature?) on all Takistan maps that forces everyone to spawn in the same place in the South Airfield. Until we can figure out a fix for it, please don't spawn kill.
  • No hacking or exploits
  • No vehicle hording - two per team plus a heli (if you can hold on to it)
  • No whining... don't stress the admin
  • Don't talk in side chat, use our Teamspeak server
  • No racist, sexist or otherwise malicious smack talk

Crafting - Available only at a small village deep in the Naygul Valley. The crafting table is under a camo net - point your cursor at the green fuel can and use your scroll menu to craft. If you don't have the required components, the recipe for the item you are trying to craft will display on screen. Among other things, this is one of the only ways to get a Coyote Backpack on the map.

Custom Loot Table - Low-grade military loot spawns in barracks and other military areas, with a slight chance of mid-grade (like a DMR). Mid-grade military loot spawns mostly at heli crash sites, air drops and military areas. The rarest weapons in the game (AS50, L85A2 AWS, satchel charges) only spawn in air drops.

Air Drops - Drops happen every 1 to 2 hours, mostly at the red areas marked on the map. Generally, they are filled with generic relief gear, but occasionally a rare weapon or item drops.

Medical Supplies - Basic medical supplies (bandages, pain killers) can be found in most areas. Blood bags can only be found in field hospital tents, which are located in the two airfields, Feruz Abad and the refugee camp. The tent in the refugee camp is the only place outside of crash sites and air drops where you will find medical boxes.

Player Bases - Camo nets are scattered around the map, mostly at the edges, in remote areas. You can claim one by simply putting up a tent and throwing some gear into it.

New Towns


Expanded Airfields and Oilfields


Air Drop Locations (Refugee Camp, Ruins, Diplomatic Retreat, etc.)



By popular demand, you can now craft Czech packs as well as Coyote in the Naygul Valley. Since 24 slot packs are extremely rare on this server, crafting is your best option. When you get to the valley, watch out for rocks, zeds, bandits.