The Brotherhood Server on DayZ Origins


New Member
The Brotherhood server now has random Noob tents, containing random gear, anything like, a weapon and ammo or some gear to fix a vehicle or enough resources to put down a house, these tents are located randomly over the map, and will be randomly refilled. good luck searching for them.

Looking a Fresh start in a new DayZ Origins Server. The Brotherhood server is exactly what you want then. Join today and try and survive.Looking to build on its current player base of 89 players, this server has only been up a matter of 2 weeks. Get in early! Stuff is being claimed quickly!

For More information on the server you can add on facebook.

Official DayZ Origins ‪#‎GX‬ The Brotherhood - SSD (Fast Loading) - Active Admins - Clans welcome - (1.7.5/103419) [4h Day/Night]Hosted @

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