TOB DayZ Epoch Taviana | Friendly Admins | 350+ Vehicles | Self Bloodbag | Protected Traders | More!


New Member
The TOB Dayz Epoch Taviana server is looking for new members! We have a very friendly and helpful staff who are almost always around, because we love playing DayZ. We're not like a lot of other servers where it's difficult to get help or where the staff just doesn't feel very friendly. We've all been to a few servers where the staff isn't friendly, helpful, or they just seem to not care... We're dedicated to always be friendly and helpful to pros and bambis, alike.

Our map is Taviana and we're currently working on customizing it with extra buildings, towns, and AI scripted events. We decided on Taviana because everyone knows Chernarus by now. Taviana is fairly new and exciting. More enterable buildings and more possibilities! In time our Taviana will be different from any other. We use Epoch, so as you would expect, all of the standard Epoch benefits are here as well as:

- Self bloodbag
- Tow/Lift (Being worked on)
- Base Building Without Plot Poles
  • Plot poles still provide the normal benefits (e.g. Others can't build near them, etc.)
  • Base decay is disabled and instead your base isn't removed until you haven't logged in for an extended period of time.
  • Bases will be made indestructible (Making it more difficult to break into, but not impossible. Heli landing, ladders, etc.)
- Build Snapping
  • You can now snap walls, floors, etc. together!
  • Ensures that your walls are straight, your corners are 90 degrees, and your floors are level!
  • Huge time saver when building your base.
- Protected traders
  • Many different items/vehicles for sale than in standard Epoch (Nothing over-powered).
- Custom Heli Evac
  • Created in-house and you will only find it on our server!
  • Have a AI pilot bring your heli to you, when you're in need of a vehicle!
- Useful Dogs
  • Still very early in development and we're not sure exactly where it will end up.
  • It's still too early to know whether or not it will make it into the server.

Unlike most other servers we have staff dedicated to focusing on custom scripts. As the server matures, you'll see many new and never before seen scripts that are sure to make the TOB Dayz Epoch Taviana server your new DayZ home. Come check us out!

How to join:

Required Mods
DayZ Epoch
DayZ Taviana ( 2.0

Additional Launch Parameters

IP and Port

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Skype: Chrispm84
Last edited:
Topic updated. Our custom Heli Evac script is finished. It's functional and has been added to the server!