Undefined Dayz. Dayz so awesome we couldn't find a word for it!


New Member
Hi all, after my recent map switch i figured it was time to advertise!

Undefined features
Sarge's AI framework; AI bandits that shoot everything that moves, AI survivors that shoot zeds and bandits. Cherno and NWAF are a lot more dangerous now.
Wasteland color fitlers: Ever play Wasteland? Notice the gloomy yellow hue some servers have? Well, i implemented that here! Gives Dayz a whole new feel.
Wrecks with weapons boxes and survival gear. Youll find these around the map.
200 vehicles: Skodas and other crap cars will be found in drivable condition, better vehicles will need repair.
Twitter feed with updates on server status and changes. https://twitter.com/UndefinedDayz
Auto refuel enabled.
Vehicle wipes weekly

Server name: Undefined DayZ
Loc=US, Diff=Veteran, Map=Chernarus, Slots=50, TZ=off, 3DP=on, CH=on, NP=offn, DM=on, SC=on, PW=no, WL=no