

Valued Member!
I am trying to use this application, but it's not doing anything, and the help that comes with it is rather lacking for instructions. It's missing the fact that --mybans requires an argument for one.

When I run it after fixing any issues it tells me, it doesn't appear to do anything, and my bans.txt hasn't changed a bit.

This application should be redone showing the steps that are actually being done.

eg. Like reality build.pl, it shows your that it is actually merging, adding, copying files. We see it as it is happening.

This application does nothing to show anything is being done.

I might ticker with that myself, but I don't know if I am able to actually make it work.

Here's what I used in a .bat

perl update_bans.pl --save C:\Hosting\QUACK\Dayz Celle 175\Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead\dayz_9.mbg_celle2\BattlEye\bans.txt --banz --cbl --dwarden --mybans C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\DayZ-Private-master-master\mybanz.txt
Got it working - requires double quotes on arguements
But who would know that other than a coder?

But still doesn't show the steps that are being run.