where can I find the


Valued Member!
Land_wreck_c130j_ep1 in the editor.

I can find the wreck_c130jEP1, but I need the Land_wreck_c130j_ep1.

The reason I ask is bacuase I want to add it as a helicrash in namalsk. I have the wreck_c130j placed, but that doesn't yield loot, but if I change it to Land_wreck_c130j_ep1 in the misson files buildings.sqf it places it under ground no matter how high I place it.
I think people don't really understand the problem or what you are trying to achieve. But I'll try. Insert the class name into the server_spawnCrashSite.sqf in your server.pbo - compiles folder. Don't know if it will work as I did not test it and my scripting abilities are very limited.

Line 23 or something:
_crashModel = ["UH60Wreck_DZ","UH1Wreck_DZ","Mi8Wreck_DZ",""C130J_wreck_EP1"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;