Taviana 2.0 - reality - need help for installing server


Well-Known Member
Hello community,
i need your wonderful help again..
trying to run a taviana 2.0 server and everytime my hivelog getting spammed with "error fetching character

2013-03-14 09:00:13 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 5096966
2013-03-14 09:00:13 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 5096966
2013-03-14 09:00:13 HiveExt: [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 5096966

My steps to install the server:

1. download the taviana 2.0 files from dayzcommander
2. create a build with the latest reality server package ( import the schemes over Setup / DB -> import scheme --> reality main (req)
3. setting up the server.cfg, hive.ini etc.
4. starting server
5. and here we are......

i tried to run the server with the bliss archive from the "http://development.dayztaviana.com/" page, too. But here i getting more errors like this:

2013-03-14 09:18:53 Database: [Error] Error 1054 (Unknown column 'Hitpoints' in 'field list') in MySQLQuery SQL: 'select iv.id as id, v.class_name, 0 as owner_id, iv.worldspace, iv.inventory, iv.parts, iv.fuel, iv.damage from `instance_vehicle` iv join `world_vehicle` wv on iv.`world_vehicle_id` = wv.`id` join `vehicle` v on wv.`vehicle_id` = v.`id` where iv.`instance_id` = 69 union select id.`unique_id`, d.`class_name`, id.`owner_id`, id.`worldspace`, id.`inventory`, `Hitpoints`, `Fuel`, `Damage` from `instance_deployable` id inner join `deployable` d on id.`deployable_id` = d.`id` where id.`instance_id` = 69 AND `deployable_id` IS NOT NULL'
2013-03-14 09:18:53 Database: [Error] Failed to fetch objects from database

so please can someone help me? maybe thevisad again? :p
thx richie, tried it now with this repo....
i choosed as packages: carepkgs, killmsgs, wrecks, invcust

15:28:05 "STARTING LOGIN: ["5096966",B 1-1-A:1 (snajdan) REMOTE]"
15:28:05 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "5096966" snajdan"
15:28:05 "READ/WRITE: ["ERROR"]"
15:28:05 "LOGIN RESULT: Exiting, failed to load _primary: ["ERROR"] for player: 5096966 "

2013-03-14 14:28:01 Database.MySQLConnection: [Information] Connected to MySQL database client ver: 6.0.0 server ver: 5.6.10-log
2013-03-14 14:28:01 Database.MySQLConnection: [Information] Connected to MySQL database client ver: 6.0.0 server ver: 5.6.10-log
2013-03-14 14:28:01 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [4 ms] SQL: select iv.id, v.class_name, null owner_id, iv.worldspace, iv.inventory, iv.parts, iv.fuel, iv.damage from `instance_vehicle` iv join `world_vehicle` wv on iv.`world_vehicle_id` = wv.`id` join `vehicle` v on wv.`vehicle_id` = v.`id` where iv.`instance_id` = 69 union select id.`id`, d.`class_name`, id.`owner_id`, id.`worldspace`, id.`inventory`, '[]', 0, 0 from `instance_deployable` id inner join `deployable` d on id.`deployable_id` = d.`id` where id.`instance_id` = 69
2013-03-14 14:28:05 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [0 ms] SQL: select `name` from `profile` WHERE `unique_id` = '5096966'
2013-03-14 14:28:05 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [1 ms] SQL: select s.`id`, s.`worldspace`, s.`inventory`, s.`backpack`, timestampdiff(minute, s.`start_time`, s.`last_updated`) as `SurvivalTime`, timestampdiff(minute, s.`last_ate`, NOW()) as `MinsLastAte`, timestampdiff(minute, s.`last_drank`, NOW()) as `MinsLastDrank`, s.`model` from `survivor` s join `instance` i on s.`world_id` = i.`world_id` and i.`id` = 69 where s.`unique_id` = '5096966' and s.`is_dead` = 0
2013-03-14 14:28:05 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [1 ms] SQL: select `inventory`, `backpack` from `instance` where `id` = 69
2013-03-14 14:28:05 Database.MySqlPreparedStatement: [Trace] Execute [10 ms] Statement: insert into `survivor` (`unique_id`, `start_time`, `world_id`, `worldspace`, `inventory`, `backpack`, `medical`) select ?, now(), i.`world_id`, ?, i.`inventory`, i.`backpack`, ? from `instance` i where i.`id` = ? VALUES("5096966", "[]", "[false,false,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0,0],0]", 69)
2013-03-14 14:28:05 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [0 ms] SQL: select s.`id` from `survivor` s join `instance` i on s.world_id = i.world_id and i.id = 69 where s.`unique_id` = '5096966' and s.`is_dead` = 0
2013-03-14 14:28:05 : [Error] Error fetching created character for playerId 5096966
2013-03-14 14:28:05 Database.MySqlPreparedStatement: [Trace] Execute [41 ms] Statement: insert into profile (`unique_id`, `name`) values (?, ?) VALUES("5096966", "snajdan")
I have no idea sorry, some very clever people on this server might be able to help you though :) see who replies
Did you get any errors when you ran setup_perl.bat ?
no errors, tried now a "clean" dayz_server.pbo without any package....only world and instance id, but getting the same error