Recent content by Adam59600

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    [Support] DZGM

    stuck on loading screen... it counts to 5 then freezes. this is the only error in my rpt. 14:27:47 Warning Message: Script custom\compiles.sqf not found my init.sqf: //Load in compiled functions call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "init\variables.sqf"; //Initilize the Variables...
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    [FRG]Overpoch|Militarized|1000 vehicles|Selfbb|Lots of loot|Deploy bike|Missions|Infistar|Tow/lift

    We're proud to announce or new Overpoch Chernarus server is up and running! Deploy bike Self Bloodbag Tow/lift Infistar Rearm/repair/refuel 24/7 Day Safe traders + antitheft No weight Snap building Indestructable bases AI missions + city 1000 Military vehicles including...
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    ChooChoo Trains Script

    any progress on this yet sheep? im gettin antsy!! ;)