Recent content by Black_Sheep

  1. B

    Custom Debug prevents Building in Epoch

    Yes I did. I copied playerstats.sqf from the dayz_code.pbo into the mission, updated the compiles to point to it and put in the parts of Jokers debug that I wanted. The playerstats sqf now looks like this (I left the original content in but commented it out) //Let Zeds know...
  2. B

    Custom Debug prevents Building in Epoch

    Awesome, I figured it would be in there somewhere, just didnt know what it was called. Thanks for your help, I'll see if I can make it work! :-)
  3. B

    Custom Debug prevents Building in Epoch

    Thanks for that. I'm not familiar with where the default one resides, are you able to advise?
  4. B

    nuclair smoking plume + other smoking plume

    Sorry, I have to do this, it is Nuclear.
  5. B

    Custom Debug prevents Building in Epoch

    Hi Guys, I had implemented J0k3r5 Stats Panel ( which was working quite nicely. However, my players went on to notice that the Epoch placement keys were not responding (placing a fireplace or wall didnt work...
  6. B

    Epoch Animated Crash Sites [HELP]

    Where in the script is the appropriate place to include a clutter cutter at the wreck?
  7. B

    [HELP] Addon Roof with hatch

    OMG I have been dreaming of this for ages! I hope you can get it working!
  8. B

    Air raid - bombing and siren

    Ok so, I had a bit of trouble finding a comprehensive all in one how to set this up guide and most of the info is scattered throughout here from when it was being developed. Here is what I did to get this working after combining all the instructions from here that I could and figuring some stuff...
  9. B

    DayZ Mission System

    Hi Guys, Just thought I would bump this post, as I too am having the same problem. Its a weird one, I can't see much happening in my logs either.
  10. B

    Car Radio

    Too late to bump this? Im a new server owner and admin looking to put in a few fun addons, streaming internet radio is something I am interested in.