Recent content by Caine

  1. C

    piggd Smelt Scrap Metal ver 2.0

    Thanks! Interesting script, gotta try this when I have time :)
  2. C

    Strip vehicles for parts

    If I override compiles.sqf on 2.0 -map, harvesting wood breaks and game doensn't recognize forest so I don't understand the logic of those selfactions, how come others wont work when using compiles.sqf on mission file. In compiles.sqf I'm only overriding fnc_usec_selfActions.sqf...
  3. C

    need help with care packages on server

    I did adding care packages code from here Like 1. add fnc_carePkgs.sqf into compiles-folder 2. add "spawn_carePackages = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\z\addons\dayz_server\compile\fnc_carePkgs.sqf";" to...
  4. C

    WORKING - Siphon Fuel Script

    Anybody got it work using mission method + DayzTaviana2.0 ? I know there is autorefuel and lotsa gas stations but still nice script! :) For me I don't get siphon fuel option+ now I can't refuel cars with jerry cans either which seems odd ... gotta take closer look on my code lol
  5. C

    need help with Base Building DayZ 1.1 script

    Usually when people post "its not working" - there could be more specific information like: -does server startup -what happens -any error on rpt -no menu option ingame etc.
  6. C

    Death msgs on

    +1 after doing this it works on my teams dayztaviana2.0 server. rpt file shows who shot who and player died messages :)
  7. C

    Strip vehicles for parts

    Read the Jaimbos tutorial on page 2: Those files are in the dayz_code.pbo on mod folder (clientside) you need to override them and Jaimbos tutorial tell you how.
  8. C

    R3F Heli script - Teleporting ban

    What is the cause of ban? attachto or setpos restriction? Problem is that script kiddies use also setpos and attachto for teleporting stuff so you can't fix lift script without allowing people to teleport vehicles.
  9. C

    Siphon fuel from Vehicles

    +1 I'm also interested about this script - I have tried to google and I'm not familiar with scripting :(
  10. C

    Strip vehicles for parts

    Finally got it working! I checked out your init.sqf too GaryG and noticed that You still have this // (Taviana) Instead, call a copy of the DayZ compiles: call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\kh\dayztaviana\init\compiles.sqf"; //Compile regular functions since it needs to be just...
  11. C

    Strip vehicles for parts

    I did it same for dayztaviana2.0 but I can't get the option to strip car parts from vehicles. Vehicles are full green so that should not be issue. Is there any way to debug this thing?
  12. C

    Strip vehicles for parts

    Ah okay that explains it then thanks for clarification. I'm gonna try today get the salvage working on my team dayztaviana2.0 server ...
  13. C

    Strip vehicles for parts

    most of the pbo's posted here are corrupted - can't open them with Pbo Viewer, only Jaimbo's dayz_1.tavi.pbo can be opened. GaryG's or Glowpowners file's doesnt work for example. Cant open them with Pbo View.