Recent content by Camoshooter

  1. C

    Areas player are not allowed to log out

    I would suggest you to look at the Epoch Trader scripts that stops you from logging out in a trader citys when you log in again it will knock you out
  2. C

    Auto Refuel & Auto repair station not working good

    I think you would do something like _target setDamage = 0 then that will change the damage in the Database to 0 what will mean its fixed
  3. C

    [Need Help]-->[RELEASE] Deploy vehicles, done the right way.

    Ok i think i see your problem in your ui_selectSlot.sqf you have taken out the Bicycle but haven't sorted out the list for example _menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + 1); _menu ctrlShow true; _type = "Deploy motorcycle"; _script =...
  4. C

    Adding Location to Debug Monitor

    Hello i am just wondering if there is a way to add location for example "Kamenka" "Balota Airfield" within the Debug Monitor this is what i have at the moment and just dont know how to add the location dayz_spaceInterrupt = { private ["_dikCode", "_handled"]; _dikCode = _this select 1; _handled...
  5. C

    [Epoch] Disabling required plot to build!

    I found out that in the Dayz_Code there is a file under Actions that says Player_Build and you can just turn change it to Plot_Required = 0 then just upload it to just repack the PBO and its done