Recent content by Chaba

  1. C

    DayZ Overpoch Sauerland Winter Hardcore Server

    HOW TO JOIN THIS SERVER WITH DAYZ LAUNCHER: 1.Download winter map edition from 2.Put files from arhive in <you armaOA folder>\@Sauerlandw\Addons\ 3.Open your DayZ LAUNCHER, make sure that DayZ Epoch and Overwatch are up to date! 4. Add...
  2. C

    DayZ Overpoch Sauerland Winter Hardcore Server

    Welcome to Winter Sauerland! Thanks to the wonderful work member falconsan. I started a hardcore server with winter atmosphere. Cold weather, stronger zombies, rare loot and vehicle, headhunters and more. How long can you survive in this hostile world ? HOW TO JOIN THIS SERVER WITH DAYZ...
  3. C

    DayZed - Server Files

    Thanks for the files. Great mod.I want to run them soon on my site.
  4. C

    0.2.5 Weather and removing of cloths

    I removed the fixed date and the weather began to change. server_monitor.sqf: if(isDedicated) then { //["dayzSetDate",_date] call broadcastRpcCallAll; setDate _date; dayzSetDate = _date; dayz_storeTimeDate = _date...
  5. C

    DayZ Hunting Grounds - Info

    I hope that the problems with siphoning will be solved in new version.
  6. C

    0.7.8 Client/Server Files Release Info

    I think spawn coordinate for vehicle in new database is broken: 0.2.1 - ('1140', 'MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1','[510.729,[10361.52,5262.3965,0]]','WML_Z4 MTVR_Refuel_D - Iguana'), 0.7.8 - ('1140', 'MtvrRefuel_DES_EP1','[510.729,[0361.52,18.449001,5262.396]]','WML_Z4 MTVR_Refuel_D - Iguana'), I...
  7. C

    0.7.8 Client/Server Files Release Info

    change ";" to "," betwen some string in object_classes table My fresh spawned vehicle to go down deep in south ochean. Bug in pspawn procedure?
  8. C

    Dayz Sahrani - Mod Development - Work In Progress

    I already guessing, but BoxStorage_DZ and any new inventory container, don't save or update in database. Else, how can i put 6 Wood Pile & 4 Nails in inventory to make new BoxStorage?
  9. C

    Dayz Sahrani - Mod Development - Work In Progress

    WTF, why BoxStorage is banned in 0.7.7 !!!!? : 14:09:51 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BoxStorage, 14:09:51 "OBJ: 348 - Fishing_Boat" 14:09:51 "OBJ: 147 - Gunrack_DZ" 14:09:51 "OBJ: 100 - BoxStorage" 14:09:51 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BoxStorage, 14:09:51 "OBJ: 92 - TentStorage" 14:09:51 "OBJ...
  10. C

    Lapua LRR Bugged

    It seems that her added but not unlocked :)
  11. C

    Suggestions about animated Helicrashs

    Good idea, I had some radio functionality of the DayzBanditAi mod.
  12. C

    DayZ Sahrani 0.2.1 Server/Client File Release DayZ Private Server UA KNH #5 - {Sahrani 0.2.1} [GMT+1][VETERAN 3DP:OFF CH:ON] This Sara server is running now 4 months. True Sahrani, only first person view, animated helicrash, siphon fuel.
  13. C

    Blood bags in 1.7.7

    I did not have any problems with blood transfusion. I use official pbo, hive and database sql. And, do not forget to update Battleye Filters from
  14. C

    Origins Server?

    not entirely true, try using M60 or RPK mashinegun on zombies
  15. C

    Origins Server?

    maybe it works, but with these editions disappear actions repair vehicle parts.