Recent content by Deathcall

  1. D

    The Hunting Grounds | DayZ Lingor 1.3 | Community and custom Scripts | Custom Locations

    Self Bump for Promotion! Still one of the best Lingor Servers around! Come give us a try!
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    Hosters for this Mod

    Hello everyone. I've been really interested in this new mod since I heard about it! As I think any Lingor fan should be. However, my community doesn't have the funding or the know how to host our own server. Is there something we can do on our side so hosting companies (Vilayer,
  3. D

    Diary Subjects, Map Markers and View Distance?

    I got it to work while using a combination of the scripts you showed me. Bare in mind I'm on an outdated Lingor Mod DayZ Server, so this might not work with newer version of the mod. But well, here's what I did: Created a briefing.sqf if (isServer) exitWith {}; if (player...
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    Diary Subjects, Map Markers and View Distance?

    Sorry to say it doesn't seem to work Wiked. I tried exactly as you put it in and the server doesn't start up. It gets stuck on loading. I eliminated everything else from my pbos (even went to a fresh server.pbo just in case) and it still gets stuck. No idea what may be causing it. EDIT...
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    Diary Subjects, Map Markers and View Distance?

    Thank you Wiked Buble, I'll try this right away on my test server. I'll come back with results soon.
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    The Hunting Grounds | DayZ Lingor 1.3 | Community and custom Scripts | Custom Locations

    THG Events ABOUT EVENTS Events are organized by admins to give players something different to do. Sometimes they are just organized on the spot, other times, they require you to sign up on the forums. Most events require group play and communication, so it's best to have a team already...
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    The Hunting Grounds | DayZ Lingor 1.3 | Community and custom Scripts | Custom Locations

    THG Custom Locations ABOUT CUSTOM LOCATIONS Our server counts with a handful of dedicated developers who have taken into improving your experience by adding new locations and lore to Lingor. Around your map, you'll see a lot of markers that show where these new areas can be found. IMPROVED...
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    The Hunting Grounds | DayZ Lingor 1.3 | Community and custom Scripts | Custom Locations

    THG Server Scripts Our server has an assortment of community and custom scripts, here you'll find a brief description of the most important ones. Towing and Lifting: You can tow vehicles to other vehicles (usually only large vehicles can TOW, but there are some exceptions). You can also lift...
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    The Hunting Grounds | DayZ Lingor 1.3 | Community and custom Scripts | Custom Locations

    Hello again! I'd like to share a bit more info with you all about our server, this was supposed to be in your in-game diary, but I can't figure out how to put it there without it being deleted, so you'll have to read it here. Hopefully, it helps you decide to play on our server! THG...
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    Diary Subjects, Map Markers and View Distance?

    Has there been any developments in the briefing aspect of this discussion? I spent a good couple hours writing one for my server just to see it get deleted right away after server starts up. Anyone figured out what it is that we have to do in order to prevent this? I saw TorturedChunk and...
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    Question about Gear/Vehicle Choices for the mod

    Alrighty! Even better. If you are interested, I've got 1797 custom vehicle spawn locations (for the DB) I made for our old Lingor server. It pretty much negates vehicle spawn camping. It's outdated - of course -, and it doesn't include any of the new unbanned vehicles, but it's still a great...
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    Question about Gear/Vehicle Choices for the mod

    Well, many mods have new weapons enabled and among them are several high caliber LMGs (and snipers AND vehicles). It might not be common place in vanilla, but trust me, now that most admins have figured out how to modify loot spawns, many servers offer a wide variety of weapons. In any case...
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    Question about Gear/Vehicle Choices for the mod

    We'll get you a working version of the ammo and magazine CFGs so these things work, otherwise, we'll get a bunch of vehicles with weapons that shoot blanks! Will try to have it done later tonight, got to head to work for a couple hours.
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    Question about Gear/Vehicle Choices for the mod

    We are still missing the magazine and ammo configs... And the markers... but frankly I don't see a reason why the markers would be banned at all. In any case, we'd like to hear what Skaro thinks about these modified version before continuing, since redoing the ammo and magazines would be...
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    Question about Gear/Vehicle Choices for the mod

    Well, this is how we at THG reason it: A man on foot with a .50cal LMG (which are common place nowadays in DayZ) is more dangerous than a man on an unarmored vehicle with the same type of weapon. To put it simply, unless you are in an armored vehicle, manning a gun usually puts you in a...