Recent content by Deejay7579

  1. D

    [Support] ESS

    Hi, i have this error in my RPT : ErrorMessage: File mpmissions\__cur_mp.chernarus\spawn\halo.hpp, line 60: /halo_dialog/Controls.halo_picground: Undefined base class 'RscPicture'
  2. D

    Air raid - bombing and siren

    I have problems with Epoch ! I have the following error message in my Server Log : 22:06:09 "AIRRAID: BOMBER: MQ-9 POS: [13925.6,11315.6,0.610672] end moving to Pre-target Waypoint at [9245.55,13955.8] ( TIME: 197 )" 22:06:09 "AIRRAID: BOMBER DESTROYED: MQ-9" 22:06:09 "AIRRAID: INCOMING...