Recent content by Dumgard

  1. D

    No RPT errors, but DZAI not working

    I've followed the instructions and dropped the entire /DZAI/ folder in, and added the call compile line. I am not getting any errors at all running Epoch, but no matter how many times I install it, nothing seems to happen in game or in the RPT. I turned debug level to 2, and have tried running...
  2. D

    [Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

    Running the current files from the github. /* DayZ Mission System Timer by Vampire Based on fnc_hTime by TAW_Tonic and SMFinder by Craig This function is launched by the Init and runs continuously. */ private["_run","_timeDiff","_timeVar","_wait","_cntMis","_ranMis","_varName"]; //Let's get...
  3. D

    [Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

    That hasn't fixed the problem. Also tried to reinstall DZMS as linked in the aforementioned post, but also no fix.
  4. D

    DayZ 1.8.1 Vehicle Spawning

    I have added spawnpoints into the database, and called pMain. Even after editing pMain to allow for 250 vehicles max, it won't spawn more than 72 objects into object_data. I currently have 1016 possible spawn entries. ETA: Thank you for the fast help! Fixed the Object limit with the...
  5. D

    DayZ 1.8.1 Vehicle Spawning

    Still searching for a solution. Would gladly compensate someone monetarily for their time.
  6. D

    [Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

    I, too, am still getting these spamming my .RPT. Any solutions? 2:25:23 Error position: <DZMSMinDone}; DZMSMinDone = nil; };> 2:25:23 Error Undefined variable in expression: dzmsmindone 2:25:23 File z\addons\dayz_server\DZMS\Scripts\DZMSMinTimer.sqf, line 42 2:25:23 Error in expression...
  7. D

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    I have this for my Epoch server and it is beautiful. Any chance this works for DayZ 1.8.1, or are there plans to update it to work with the new release?
  8. D

    DayZ 1.8.1 Vehicle Spawning

    I'm wondering if I can just restructure the old database's world_vehicle table, but the thing that concerns me is that the new database format having an ObjectUID column. I am not sure what I need to do with that.
  9. D

    DayZ 1.8.1 Vehicle Spawning

    I've recently set up a dedicated box for my Epoch and DayZ Mod servers. With the latest database changes that 1.8.1 has brought, it has made it difficult for me to figure out how to easily add in a bunch of extra vehicles to the server. I used to have a TON of vehicle spawn points in my old...
  10. D

    Animated Helicrashs 0.1 - Release

    I had thought I fixed the issue of no loot at first, when I followed the instructions on page 24 to modify the code. I am still getting errors like this thrown at every crash, though. 9:02:37 "CRASHSPAWNER: UH-1H just exploded at [5841.4,10271.3,96.2317]!, " 9:02:43 "HIVE: WRITE...
  11. D

    Installed Animated Heli Crashes. Now no loot. Error log included.

    Problem solved. Edit server_spawnCrashSite.sqf Original _num = round(random _randomizedLoot) + _guaranteedLoot; _config = configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> _lootTable; _itemTypes = [] + getArray (_config >> "itemType"); _index =...
  12. D

    BlurGaming - Updated Anti-Hack Public Release

    404 website not found, did you stop paying your hosting bill?
  13. D

    Looking for In-Game Admin Tool

    I'm looking for an in game admin tool that can spawn vehicles/items, stealth mode, teleport, etc. Any suggestions?
  14. D

    Mod for Keypadded Safes?

    Is there a script that will allow spawning of safes with keypads to be password protected?