Recent content by dunx1976

  1. D

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    You also need to go through your battleye configs, try to find the conflicting section. my guess its in the remote exec .txt... but im not 100% sure
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    Loadout Selection on Spawn

    I've had this running on my server for a while now, thought i should give back to the community :) This creates a scroll menu on player spawn so they can choose their own loadout to suit each persons play style. 1. Open dayz_server.pbo\complile\server_playerSetup.sqf Find the following...
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    Loadout Selector on spawn

    wrong forum
  4. D

    Blur Gaming Custom Spawn Tutorial

    Or replace waitUntil {!isNil ("dayz_Totalzedscheck")}; with waitUntil { !isNil ("dayz_animalCheck")
  5. D

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    btw...this is awesome. Been thinking about doing this for ages.
  6. D

    HALO Spawn Altimeter..

    its everything in the halo jump spawn tutorial... but swap waitUntil { !isNil ("dayz_Totalzedscheck") for waitUntil { !isNil ("dayz_animalCheck") Battleye...i forget which setting it is to allow the jumps, just play around till you find it. you also don't need to change the...
  7. D

    1.7.7 server pbo editing problems seems to be broken atm. My server dont work with any of my scripts, whil my HFB server works just fine.
  8. D

    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2 just follow the instructions
  9. D

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    If you can follow the instructions to install base builder...The antihack should be a breeze. on blurs website it has a step by step guide on how to do this... Go to the main page, then now open the forum topic follow instructions...WIN!!! seriously... its dead easy.
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    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    Add me on steam if you use it...dunx1976 i'll point you in the right direction
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    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    it works fine...i used to have both running just fine. As fred said... you just need the admin tools addaction to come back on after you have changed skin. look at the different skins files in the admin tools. They do the exact same thing. you change skin, become a new character, and lose the...
  12. D

    Intro Sound conflicting with Halo Jump spawn?

    Try having a sleep 4; line between the halo spawn and the intro?
  13. D

    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    What are you using to modify the script? I use Notepad++ (free and easy) you need to make sure each line is starting at the correct place. so; wardrobe = [ ["",true], ["DayZ Clothing", [2], "#USER:WardrobeDayZ", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Custom Clothing"...
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    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    To make a "next" page for say bandit, add in the line ["Next page", [12], "#USER:WardrobeBANDIT2", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], And like i showed how to add the new hero wardrobe above, add this; WardrobeBANDIT2 = [ ["",true], ["Female bandit", [2], "", -5...
  15. D

    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    It should start like below, the if (_humanity < -2000) then { set to whatever parameter you choose. if not based on humanity, remove the _humanity = player getVariable ["humanity",0]; also. pathtoclothing = "skins\"; EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+pathtoclothing+'%1"'; _humanity = player...