Recent content by escortrally

  1. E

    DayZ Mission System

    Very nice work guys! I have one small problem tho, everytime i get close to one of the mission vehicles it despawns. Maybe this is supposed todo that but i was wondering if there is some way around this check? So the mission vehicles can be used atleast until next restart. Maybe i should add...
  2. E

    A Debug Monitor That Works?

    I'm using this one with good results.
  3. E

    [Script] Helicoper Disconnect Protection/Switch Seat [v1.2

    Very nice script there Fabio, I have really missed this function and its been annoying me for to long, thank you! Although I just like Timmy didnt like the AI pilot idea very much, i solved it by removing every "_PILOT" from the switchseat.sqf this way you can still change to gunner/back from...
  4. E

    [Help] Adding Custom Weapon Packs etc...

    Weaponpack PBO's should just go into your addons folder (@mod/addons/yourpack.pbo) arma will read all the PBO files inside the addons folder upon launch. Loot can be edited inside the "dayz_code.pbo", unpack it then edit the config.cpp for weapons. Dont forget to edit the cfgAmmo.hpp so ammo...