Recent content by Fentus

  1. F

    Looking for a solution BEC/Anything!

    Okay so I've gotten a new server setup on a Ubuntu VPS, I tried to install BEC and it keeps giving me this error: fixme:iphlpapi:GetExtendedTcpTable ulAf = 23 not supported fixme:iphlpapi:GetExtendedUdpTable ulAf = 23 not supported I only really need BEC so I can send global messages to the...
  2. F

    [GUIDE] Hosting a DayZ/Arma server on Linux

    I keep getting this as a response in the command line for BEC: fixme:iphlpapi:GetExtendedTcpTable ulAf = 23 not supported fixme:iphlpapi:GetExtendedUdpTable ulAf = 23 not supported Any ideas?
  3. F

    So I was wondering if you fixed this on your server...

    So I was wondering if you fixed this on your server? because this happens on a fresh install on
  4. F

    DayZChernarus - (1.8/103718) [VETERAN 3DP:OFF][GMT+8] Private Hive -

    Fix: 1.8 SQL update all Deployables now save Unbanned 5 weapons and added them into the spawn tables Food, drink, weapons and over all spawn rate nerfed to bring it back into line with and lower KSVK now spawns! NPC's now drop medical loot (Even antibiotics). NPC's now have backpacks...
  5. F

    Server responded, Creating character fix

    Okay, so when I load into game for the 1st time the server gets stuck on "Server responded, Creating character". Then I can reload and it works just fine. This is a concern because when a new player joins they get stuck and then just leave not know they need to reload and then they can play. Is...
  6. F

    DayZChernarus - (1.8/103718) [VETERAN 3DP:OFF][GMT+8] Private Hive -

    Vehicle cap increased to 150 Several glitches fix WORKING tripwire grenades! (drop in barracks)
  7. F

    Day Z 1.8 Animal Harvest Bug Fix Ideas

    1.) Follow this tutorial [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates (this dose work on 1.8) 2.) Move "dayz_code\compile\local_gutObject.sqf" into the Fixes folder. 3.) Replace this in the Fixes\compiles.sqf: local_gutObject = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers...
  8. F

    Day Z 1.8 Animal Harvest Bug Fix Ideas

    Also a change [player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] call player_alertZombies; to [player,_dis,true,(getPosATL player)] spawn player_alertZombies;
  9. F

    Day Z 1.8 Animal Harvest Bug Fix Ideas

    Could you code block the old sqf?
  10. F

    Day Z 1.8 Animal Harvest Bug Fix Ideas

    I looked threw the code myself and I could not see the problem, but I am having this issue with my server too.
  11. F

    building_spqwnLoot.sqf questions / solutions / discussions

    Okay, so I've looked at a lot of other people talking about how the code below is whats is causing the bad spawning rates as of ( & (1.8), has anyone considered rewriting this code from the ground up so its more streamlined / understandable? // bias for this building. The lower it is...
  12. F

    DayZ 1.8 deployable items not saving & TrapTripwireGrenade not crafting

    So any ideas on how to get these craftable now? now that they are working properly. Items Needed: equip_string PartWoodPile equip_duct_tape HandGrenade_west Output: ItemTrapTripwireGrenade Required: ItemToolbox
  13. F

    DayZ 1.8 deployable items not saving & TrapTripwireGrenade not crafting

    Ya its all good, tyvm! (Now time to find out why I can't craft the thing lol!)
  14. F

    DayZ 1.8 deployable items not saving & TrapTripwireGrenade not crafting

    Then follow this fix for the tents!