Recent content by FrankTheDuck

  1. F

    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    I'm having a bit of trouble with this, All the instructions in the tut refer to 1.7 files and having trouble figuring out how to do it in 1.8 All I really want to do is make buildings spawn anything from their usual tables on all available loot spots. After going over various threads I just...
  2. F

    Help with lighting Campfires

    Yea every time I test in the editor, Or load the script to server and test I get no fire.
  3. F

    Help with lighting Campfires

    Land_Fire_burning is not burning either :(
  4. F

    Help with lighting Campfires

    Ok well, I've been able to add the wood into the inventory of the fireplace _vehicle_649 = objNull; if (true) then { _this = createVehicle ["Land_Fire_DZ", [6821.8037, 2758.3916, 4.2915344e-006], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _vehicle_649 = _this; _this setVehicleInit "this inflame true"...
  5. F

    Help with lighting Campfires

    Would I use this addWeaponCargo "PartWoodPile"; or this addMagazine "PartWoodPile";
  6. F

    Help with lighting Campfires

    My clan is running a small (fairly) vanilla dayz server with a few extra buildings and a few other scripts and so far I've not had issue adding this all in and running. As I removed Rockets debris the fire barrels are gone and can no longer be used to cook some food when your out of matches for...