Recent content by freakystyle

  1. F

    [Support] DZGM

    Hey Ebay i have the Problem i can not build in Epoch I Post this in Epoch Forum please look in this Thread + Picture click me Can you help me please?
  2. F

    Collection of cool colour corrections

    I do not even know where to register :S would be so kind as to make me the with the colors? Please
  3. F

    Collection of cool colour corrections

    I have already but I want to know how they made the colors so?
  4. F

    Collection of cool colour corrections

    Hey people I've just found the video and wonder how they have the color that? Does ne idea how they did it with the colors??? Apparently, he speaks German...:S
  5. F

    Creating a spawn intro cut-scene?

    first thank you for your reply but unfortunately it did not work :( this is my loginCamera.sqf private [ "_camera", "_welcomeMessage", "_camDistance" ]; _welcomeMessage = format["Welcome on your Server %1, !",format["%1", name player]]; _camDistance = 60; waitUntil {!isNil...
  6. F

    Creating a spawn intro cut-scene?

    I have the same problem on Epoch one would be so kind to help me?;)