Recent content by GeKko103

  1. G

    Indestructible Vehicles near PlotPole

    Hey guys, i am looking for help. I have got something like a Script ;-) but it does not work for me. I put it on the bottom of the dayzcode.pbo/init/compiles.sqf: if (isNil "fnc_vehicle_handleDamage") then {fnc_vehicle_handleDamage = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers...
  2. G

    Error MissionLootTable and Object not found!

    Sorry! I am using Dayz Epoch! I did change several things but i do not know which causes the errors! I have got several mapedits, scripts like selfbloodbag, take clothes, lift and tow, auto refuel and safezone!
  3. G

    Error MissionLootTable and Object not found!

    Hey guys! I get spamed in my Log, with the following errors: Error Mission LootTable: and its alleged defective line of the serverfunctions.sqf: And at least i get million of errors in my log that several objects can not be found...
  4. G

    [SUPPORT] Community AGN

    Thanks for answering so fast, but it does not work for me. I looked at the log, and there is only the entry that: GeKko(6857730) - Left SafeZone at 114040 But never any entry that i entered a safezone. Any ideas? Maybe i have to update my Dayz, because i think the infistar safezone works with...
  5. G

    [SUPPORT] Community AGN

    Thanks a lot man! Link: I am using on a nitrado server, which uses Infistar.
  6. G

    [SUPPORT] Community AGN

    Maybe someone could help me because i have got problems with safezones. First: On my server i get not any message that i am entering the Trader City, but they are signed on the map. Second: I get no message when i am entering safe zones that i am entering safe zones. Thrid: got mode is not...