Recent content by GingerNinja

  1. G

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    @ebay, Thank you, Sorry to waste your time there, I could of sworn it was correct. the amount of times i looked over it. But thank you, Script is working perfectly now and is fully compatible with Halo Spawns. +1 for this script and Yes Guys! It works beautifully on Epoch And Taviana.
  2. G

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    *FACE DESK* Sorry about that, heres a new link.. Who would of thought a 20GB a day bandwidth would be reached by a simple 400mb map file download :S
  3. G

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    Here it is as requested. I did how ever before coming to work add in the Halo Spawn Script which seems to work fine. (havent yet added the Vehicle exception in for your script though) Cheers, Ginger p.s If we get this thing to...
  4. G

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    Ebay, I am not using any Anti Hack so that cant be the issue. I have tried changing sleep 5; waitUntil {!dialog}; systemChat ('Use your scroll wheel to select a spawn location!'); cutText [" \nUse your scroll wheel to select a spawn location!","PLAIN"]; execVM...
  5. G

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    I just tried a full reinstall of my test server with epoch and now i have the messages showing saying"scroll to select spawn" but i cant get the menu up. I know that sometimes it takes awhile to get a scroll menu to show so i waited but it still didnt work. any ideas? Do i need a gun in my hand...
  6. G

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    I did try commenting out the Admin tools but this also did not work. I'm trying to find why i cant use these kind of spawn scripts. it seems to me that the server is overriding your script somehow and defaulting back to the epoch spawns? but then my therory doesn't work because not even the...
  7. G

    [Release] pick spawn and loadout

    hey guys, I have just spent the last 30 minutes adding this to my test server (Taviana Epoch) and I dont get the Msg to scroll or even the scroll menu. I'm 99% sure i have done all the steps correctly and i am not using any AH. How ever, I am running Admin tools (Blue Phenoix admin tools I...