Recent content by Gurbz

  1. G

    100% Custom Loot tables - TUTORIAL

    I'm also working on this and haven't made any real headway. Does anyone know how to edit this???
  2. G

    Spawning more magazines with weapons?

    one more bump for good luck. I'm still having the same issue, and I haven't found much. :(
  3. G

    Spawning more magazines with weapons?

    bump, anyone have some info?
  4. G

    Spawning more magazines with weapons?

    I have been using: case "weapon": { //Item is a weapon, add it and a random quantity of magazines _item = createVehicle ["WeaponHolder", _iPos, [], _radius, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1]; _mags = [] + getArray (configFile >>...