Recent content by James

  1. J

    MYSQL Database error when starting server.

    Yep, maybe you should try it. Theres nothing wrong with it, and its a hell off a lot faster. EDIT: And with one programs hats like 5MB you have pretty much the exact same operating system just a lot faster. I haven't used the metro thing since the day i got windows 8 when it came out.
  2. J

    MYSQL Database error when starting server.

    Windows 8, using Start8 program to get the startmenu back.
  3. J

    MYSQL Database error when starting server.

    Oh, thats all i had to change, it looks like it's working now. Thanks for the help. My mistake haha.
  4. J

    MYSQL Database error when starting server.

    When i go into arma 2 and go to multiplayer then LAN, i can't see the server there unless the port is set to 2216, unless i have to change something in arma? EDIT: Hang on, let me quickly check it again. EDIT2: oops look likes it's showing up with the port at 3316. My mistake lol
  5. J

    MYSQL Database error when starting server.

    So this is what happens when i try to join the server. This is the HiveExt.ini file if you need to look at it. ;This is a comment ;Comments above a certain setting will provide it's description ;The format for a setting is ;Variable = Value ;If you see a commented line of that form, it...