Recent content by James184

  1. James184

    IED script help

    Okay so would this be the right spot to put it? //if ((time - dayzClickTime) < 1) exitWith {}; if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["GUID123"]) then { if (_button == 1) then { //dayzClickTime = time; _group = _parent displayCtrl 6902;
  2. James184

    IED script help

    Okay I will try that asap thank you very much. Is their a way to make this guid specific? I know how to do it with other scripts but I am not to familiar with the ui_selectslot. Thanks in advance.
  3. James184

    IED script help

    Anyone know how to fix this? I need a fix asap please.
  4. James184

    IED script help

    This looks like a really cool script. Now the problem I am having is that I already have a ui_selectSlot.sqf in my custom folder for depolyable bikes. What do I need to edit so that will work with IED.
  5. James184

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    No that's not the problem.
  6. James184

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    For me unless I turn off battleeye people get kicked by alot of the scripts. I am running epoch on windows server 2012 R2
  7. James184

    DayZ handcuff player help

    Try taking a look at my video.
  8. James184

    DayZ handcuff player help

    Okay so this was working for the longest time, but when I updated my anti-hack it removed my flags. I re-added them all and this is the only script that I get kicked for Public Variable #0. I checked my publicvairable log and that flag is already in their that it is kicking me for. I also using...
  9. James184

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    Are the battle eye filters working yet?
  10. James184

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    Awesome thanks!
  11. James184

    [SUPPORT] - Sheeps Epoch Repack

    Does anyone have the battleye filters for this yet? I could really use them, because under no circumstances am I turning off battleye. That is just stupid.
  12. James184

    Getting BEC running for two servers at the same time.

    The problem is it doesn't even notice the second server is on
  13. James184

    Getting BEC running for two servers at the same time.

    Hello. I am trying to get BEC running for two servers at the same time on the same machine. I have a dedicated box and works fine on one server and I did the same thing for the second server but does see the server start up. I was wondering if their is anyway to do this? I have two instances...
  14. James184

    Lots of Server help needed {Looking for a coder}

    Okay I am currently looking for a bunch of custom and non custom things done for my server. I am looking for a coder who is willing to do it. I am also willing to pay. Here is the following: - Help to get tow and lift working properly - Heli Evac - Intro Credits - Friendly ESP - Custom AI -...
  15. James184

    DayZ handcuff player help

    I did a little modification so that it uses UIDs to authenticate instead of humanity. //--------------------------------------ARREST---------------------------------------------------------------- if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["UID1","UID2"]) then { if(_isMan && !_isZombie && _canDo...