Recent content by Jarrrk

  1. J

    Trigger executing script globally instead of per player + Sound not playing

    Perfect, I knew I was doing something wrong, thanks a bunch!
  2. J

    Trigger executing script globally instead of per player + Sound not playing

    So I'm currently working on a small base script, problem is when someone enters the trigger area it executes the script in question on everyone's machines, thus, killing some player. Here's what my trigger looks like: class Sensors { items=1; class Item0 {...
  3. J

    Server Owner looking for decent Scripter [EPOCH]

    I very much doubt that someone, if not anyone, will do this for free.
  4. J


    To be honest, I would have said it was more of a tech demo as such. I wasn't too into working on it to be honest, it was more of a show of what I could do which is why there's not updates for it and only one server. But thank you :)
  5. J

    Vehicle respawn.

    I shall create a new patch on the vehicle spawner tomorrow, I'll keep you posted
  6. J

    German Dayz2017 Namalsk Server

    Thank you for your support!
  7. J Namalsk 2017 server

    Nice, thank you for the support. ~2017 Team
  8. J

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk Client Release 1.0 (Alpha)

    No need for a double post, you're getting this error because you don't have the @Namalsk files.
  9. J

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk Server Release 1.0 (Alpha)

    If you want more, generate a .sql file and then merge the INSERT strings into one file :P
  10. J

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk Server Release 1.0 (Alpha)

    1 to 15 is the max amount of vehicles you can spawn, as Namalsk doesn't have a lot of room and making them more common would make it ridiculously easy. 15 as it stands makes vehicles pretty common.
  11. J

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk Server Release 1.0 (Alpha)

    Any details, were you exporting to an external database or export as a .sql file?
  12. J

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk Client Release 1.0 (Alpha)

    Thank you! And thank you for the translation, this may come in handy to some players :-)
  13. J

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk Client Release 1.0 (Alpha)

    Thank you, for the ammo and the temperature I am looking into it. As for the wrecks etc, there's nothing I can do on my end as that's on the map side of things which I can't edit. Sumrak added it to look like some stuff was floating on the water but it didn't turn out how he wanted it :3
  14. J

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk Released!

    Link to the files here!
  15. J

    HELP: Getting server off local so other players can join

    Open port 2302 on your router, you may want to search port forwarding and then your router name on Google as everyone's router is different :P