Recent content by jon4203

  1. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    jon.stein8 skype
  2. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    Waiting for host means your mission file is corrupt. You missed a ;
  3. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    Under Activate.sqf and Admintoolsmain.sqf
  4. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    This how it should look if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["1234567"]) then { // super admins if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["1234567"]) then { //all admins One under Activate waituntil {!alive player ; !isnull (finddisplay 46)}; if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["1234567"]) then {
  5. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    If this does not work send me your pbo and I will take a look. Mediafire best way to post stuff
  6. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    You should have id in activate. Then Two in admintools. One under Activate waituntil {!alive player ; !isnull (finddisplay 46)}; if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["######","######"]) then { And under admin tools if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["#######","#######"]) then { //all admins and one...
  7. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    Three spots your admin id should be placed
  8. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    Make sure you have put yourself correctly in as admin You should have a scroll menu
  9. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    So all that should be done in your mission pbo is playerstats = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "debug\playerstats.sqf"; [] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf"; for admins use locate this code in debug\playerstats.sqf(no debug version: Activate.sqf), (skip if using No Debug version) in...
  10. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7 There is four folders... Use The No debug Folder its the First Chenarus folder says DayZ admin tools(chernarus No Debug. Then in readme dont edit playermonitor line skip that and all that says skip if using no debug.
  11. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    Use his no debug option. Dont do player_monitor line... Thats it.
  12. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    Only Problem I have.. Cant figure whats making bb 1.2 buildings to disappear. Anyone Know ??
  13. J

    Scripts Working 1.7.7

    Try Using the no debug option. This has worked for me everytime no issues.
  14. J

    Hey can you help me with the Base build. trying to get new items and I saw you have updated one...

    Hey can you help me with the Base build. trying to get new items and I saw you have updated one. If you could send me this. Thanks