Recent content by ka3ant1p

  1. K

    Changing Gear

    Hi all, still working on a new mod for arma2 baysed on epoch. Decided to change the gear display, want to add some slots and change positions of old ones, and if possible to rework the whole system of players gear. Tried to find all the relations but got my brain blow... There is to much to find...
  2. K

    exceptions while using BIS_fnc_findSafePos

    Trying to make some exceptions when using BIS_fnc_findSafePos, but script doesn't work =( private ["_triger","_position","_type","_safePos","_distance","_safePositions"]; _triger = _this select 0; titleText ["Starting the script", "PLAIN DOWN", 1]; _safePositions = [ [4880.2402, 9699.0859] ]...
  3. K

    safezonez inside trigger

    I have made a trigger which call on activation, some script which spawns zeds. I use BIS_fnc_findsafePos to choose a position of where to spawn each zed But I need to make some zones where zeds will not be spawned, some kind of exceptions. P.S.: there are some reasons I can not use some kind of...
  4. K

    read\write from\to database

    How can I read\write from\to newly created colums in some tables in database? To clarify what I mean, here is an example: I add a column "rank" to character_data table, and I make a script which should writeto database the rank based on humanity. Than in some scripts i will need to get value of...
  5. K

    changing a created unit

    I wonder can I somehow change the already created unit, I mean for example I create some unit and change his face or identity just after creating or while creating. Have seen some functions like setFace and setIdentity at WIKI but failed to ues them. Also if there is a way to change other values...
  6. K

    some questions about createAgent and other SQF functions

    1)Does anybody knows how client\server knows what actions to do when createAgent function is used? I think it should have some executive file where the actions it provides are listed. That is is not a standart scripting language so the actions each unique function provide have to be present in...
  7. K

    How can I get class name from config file in a result?

    I am running Epoch, I don't have param displayName in my zed classes, only in mother class - zZombie_Base I understand that it will not help because it will do the same result as if I just write the zombie class name, but just want to know =)
  8. K

    How can I get class name from config file in a result?

    Tried _type = configName (missionConfigFile >> CfgVehicles >> "z_hunter"); _agent = createAgent [_type, _position, [], _radius, _method]; but it didn't work =( How to rework the script so it will use displayname ?
  9. K

    How can I get class name from config file in a result?

    nevermind, already found how the way of getting class name, Just had to use configName It should look like this: _type = configName (missionConfigFile >> CfgVehicles >> "z_hunter"); _agent = createAgent [_type, _position, [], _radius, _method]; But actually understood that will not solve my...
  10. K

    How can I get class name from config file in a result?

    I have dayz Epoch and if I change comething in config file so players will have to download my version of some addon....
  11. K

    How can I get class name from config file in a result?

    I know how to get value of some params from config file: Like this: _unitTypes = []+ getArray (configFile >> "CfgBuildingLoot" >> "Default" >> "zombieClass"); _lootType = configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "zombieLoot"; _array = getArray (configFile >> "cfgLoot" >> getText(_lootType))...
  12. K

    need some ideas for zombie missions

    Hi all, finaly I got my ZedAI working but need to rework missions and will post the pre-release. The problem is that this missions are going to be rather easy if will be the same as bots missions cause players will just use a car to kill all zeds or just will kill them from distance of more then...
  13. K

    ZedAi need some scripting help

    edited the first post, got some new problems =(
  14. K

    ZedAi need some scripting help

    Need some help with ZedAi.... Reworked some scripts so now I have missions with spawning zombie which a loitering while have no target... I made them loitering in some radius with changing destination point, but then changed a lot and thay all are following some point which. Help please to fix...
  15. K

    Collecting a dev team to work out ZedAI.

    nope, i would like to make it like in "walking dead" movie... I liked their idea, all people are ifected and if a person dies no matter how, he transforms to zombie, and if is bitten by zombie you just get infected and die very fast. It means like infection that transforms people to zeds is some...