Recent content by Krenuds

  1. K

    dayz mission addin (serverside scripts)

    Ugh, I still don't really understand it though, it shows up everywhere it seems! Is there some documentation for this? I've looked everywhere and come up with nothing...
  2. K

    dayz mission addin (serverside scripts)

    So would it be fair to say that _x == 'everything' in a sense? In other words, for the sake of _x addAction does that mean add the action to the chopper or to the crew?
  3. K

    _x Am I stupid?

    Anyone know what the _x variable in arma 2 is? I see it everywhere as local but never declared. I don't think it's even initialized but rater used as a command it seems. Like, in this case it seems it's gathering the items in an array... _pos = getPos _x; _xpos = _pos select 0; _ypos =...
  4. K

    dayz mission addin (serverside scripts)

    In the scripts here I see a lot of _x locals but I can't find where they are declared. Am I blind or am I missing something? thanks in advance //===================piXel 12-02-2013============ if (isServer) exitwith {}; waitUntil {sleep 2; count vehicles > 1}; sleep 10; { If (typeOf _x in...
  5. K

    [How To]Custom Music With Object (Radio, Etc)

    Thanks! So far I've unpacked the config.bin but when I open up Config.cfg all I see are the includes. Am I missing something? EDIT: I found what looks the be the right CFG file but it's cfgWeapons.hpp, this is correct?
  6. K

    Custom music while loading screen?

    I'm going to start working on this tonight. Anyone know where the SQF that handles the radio is located? I recall there was a radio in DayZ at one point that had a strange broadcast coming from green mountain... Anyhow can anyone point me in the direction of the PBO that has references to the...
  7. K

    Custom music while loading screen?

    <- X people! Pretty please upload a tut for this!