Recent content by LancerSolurus

  1. L

    Find Building Loot Positions

    I have been doing this for over 2 years now when adding new mod packs, does this mod consider ground height in it? The only correct way is to include a physics enabled object to get the correct height (towers are notorious for having span heights 30 meters above the spawn point). I use a mod to...
  2. L

    Quicker help with your problems

    I've noticed in a lot of threads that the mod and version number is never mentioned (Dayz or Epoch the forums are a bit generic in some parts so mentioning that will help you a long way in getting your problem resolved. Dayz is not Epoch and neither is it Overwatch or...
  3. L

    Setting crafted objects to use Player UIDs

    Problem is that if you go this route it wont work with lockable items, the keycode is stored in that field.
  4. L

    How can I disable the F1-12 keys and keys like that?

    What version of Epoch are you running? I run a modified version of and those keys are disabled.
  5. L

    Custom Objects to Epoch Crafting

    I left out cfgAddons when I first started and had on occasion the pbo not activating properly. Also you may need to give it a unique name, not dayz_server so that it shows it's your pbo.
  6. L

    Custom Objects to Epoch Crafting

    NP, just checked the BiS wiki and it seems they have removed a lot of the info about the pbo classes. Also make sure you have cfgPatches and cfgAddons included, otherwise you will get missing content errors when logging into a game. class CfgPatches { class DBSTUFF_Core {...
  7. L

    Custom Objects to Epoch Crafting

    As far as the OP I haven't added new craftables yet but I will be working on that soon. Decompile the dayz_code then unrap the config.bin file. Search for any of the buildable items and base your own off of one of those. Make sure you put it into the correct class. You can get one of the small...
  8. L

    Custom Objects to Epoch Crafting

    Unfortunately since the mission pbo does not support a config.cpp file (already tested it and verified it with BiS wiki), you will have to do it with a secondary pbo. Doing it that way it's possible to add anything you want, I've already done it with skins, vehicles, backpacks and more.
  9. L

    [help]B.E.C restaer server !!!

    Yes, BEC will exit if your server shuts down, I found it better to stop the server in the bat file, here is mine... You can ignore the @AS at the end of the start line, it is our custom mod we use. @echo off taskkill /im arma2oaserver.exe timeout 10 cd /d "E:\DayzEpochServer\" start "arma2"...
  10. L

    Public Variable Restriction #0

    Actually its better not to change the 5 to a 1, you need to add what is causing the kick with a !"blabla", otherwise you are simply allowing a hack bypass on your server
  11. L

    [help]B.E.C restaer server !!!

    You need to make BEC spawn a bat file to restart your server. That way you can start the server and then afterwards start BEC.
  12. L

    Insufficient Forum Privileges?

    @CommanderRetra Would it be possible to rename that sub-forum, the name is a bit mis-leading?
  13. L

    Need a scipt for a building kit

    It will disappear after it's accessed or updated (20 meters I believe) (killing the player getting in it including god admins). Most addons like this use the SARGE variable to stop this, without a server pbo update it will remove the offending vehicle and kill the player. Personally tested...
  14. L

    Need a scipt for a building kit

    Did you add the fix for 'Killed a hacker' and set the variable properly in your server pbo?
  15. L

    Need a scipt for a building kit

    It explodes due to the anti-hack, btw, mention what you are running, Dayz/Epoch or what. Also if you are running an AH such as infiStar or Blur anti-hack, mention that as well... NEITHY (Not Enough Info To Help You)