Recent content by Necrodion

  1. Necrodion

    dayZ Street Lights

    ok i found the wrong part of my story i download outdated filters instead of the new terribly sry for the waste of your time :))))))) btw great job mate about the scripts
  2. Necrodion

    dayZ Street Lights

    in the scripts.txt there isn't any line like 5 createVehicle maybe cuz of the BE filters of 1.7.7??!!
  3. Necrodion

    dayZ Street Lights

    so i have to still search in the scripts.txt for 5 createVehicle and edit ???
  4. Necrodion

    dayZ Street Lights

    BTW i am running on chernarus
  5. Necrodion

    dayZ Street Lights

    sry for late response the thing is that i am also updated on 1.7.7... about the createVehicle as mentioned above now there is 1 before createVehicle instead of 5..... 1 createVehicle !createVehicleLocal !"_bolt = createVehicle [\"WoodenArrowF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bolt se"...
  6. Necrodion

    dayZ Street Lights

    you mean this 18.06.2013 08:56:51: Stalker ( a243eb52e0423992abf8bd90d023cdfb - #144 "LampReturn=[]; }else{ axeLampObjects = [_x,_y,player]; publicVariable "axeLampObjects"; waitUntil {count axeLampReturn > 0}; C" 18.06.2013 08:56:51: Stalker (
  7. Necrodion

    dayZ Street Lights

    i get the same Public Variable #0 kick when entering the map