Recent content by NombrilBORG

  1. N

    [Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

    Well I think so, I just come back from a little test with these values: DZMSSkills0 = [ ["aimingAccuracy",0.001,0.002], ["aimingShake",0.001,0.002], ["aimingSpeed",0.001,0.002], ["endurance",0.001,0.002], ["spotDistance",0.001,0.002], ["spotTime",0.001,0.002]...
  2. N

    [Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

    I already tried this way. For the four differents arrays. I made it all this ways: DZMSSkills0 = [ ["aimingAccuracy",0.00,0.00], ["aimingShake",0.00,0.00], ["aimingSpeed",0.00,0.00], ["endurance",0.00,0.00], ["spotDistance",0.00,0.00], ["spotTime",0.00,0.00], ["courage",0.00,0.00]...
  3. N

    [Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

    Ok, so, if I make it like this: // Define lists. Some lists are defined in DZMSWeaponCrateList.sqf in the ExtConfig. _bpackList =...
  4. N

    [Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

    Hi everybody, I have a problem with the loots in the crates. I am running an Epoch server on chernarus, and I tried to custom the crates by adding briefcases. This is how I did, using the DZMSWeaponCrateList.sqf...