Recent content by Omer

  1. Omer

    ACRE and

    Are you sure BE is off and you are not using an antihack?
  2. Omer

    ACRE and

    Try pressing CTRL+SHIFT+X in game and tell me if it opens the radio gui or not.
  3. Omer

    ACRE and

    Ok well It seems like a TS problem, which version of TS are you using? 3.0.13 doesn't work well with ACRE. I'm using 3.0.12
  4. Omer

    ACRE and

    Ok try disabling BE and tell me if it works..
  5. Omer

    ACRE and

    How did you disable the ingame ptt button? BTW are you using an anti hack?
  6. Omer

    More concept art.

    Great job guys! can't wait.
  7. Omer

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    I'm not asking for full support, I'm just asking for basic support that's all
  8. Omer

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    And he disappeared again, as always.. He doesn't reply my emails I mean, you created an awesome thing, the least you can do is to give some help and fix bugs
  9. Omer

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Sent you an email
  10. Omer

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Daimyo? Someone? Please help
  11. Omer

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Hey guys remove function doesn't seem to work well for me.. When I hit remove the object gets removed from the game but it's still in the database, so after a server restart it's there again. Any ideas? HiveEXT log: 17:13:57 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 304 Params: 1: Basically nothing...
  12. Omer

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    already did mate, there are 2 dayzDeleteObj call local_deleteObj; lines and yea i changed them to dayzDeleteObj call server_deleteObj; didn't work for me
  13. Omer

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Hey guys remove function doesn't seem to work well for me.. When I hit remove the object gets removed from the game but it's still in the database, so after a server restart it's there again. Any ideas? HiveEXT log: 17:13:57 HiveExt(0): [Information] Method: 304 Params: 1: Basically nothing lol
  14. Omer

    Random Clothing Parcels

    How does this line even work for you: You didn't even add the selected skin to _holderitem so.. Maybe I'm being stupid here, correct me if I'm wrong
  15. Omer

    SARGE AI Framework - Beta Testers wanted before release.

    I've given the chance to test this awesome package and just wanted to tell that Sarge did an incredible work on this! What I really liked is that pretty much everything is configurable and easy to understand! So if your'e looking to add AI to your server this is exactly what you need