Recent content by Phailyur

  1. Phailyur

    Dogs and anomalies addin scripts

    I got it working. I was just frustrated when I spent the entire night on it.
  2. Phailyur

    Dogs and anomalies addin scripts

    This script confirmed broken for
  3. Phailyur

    Dogs and anomalies addin scripts

    But I've never even opened this before lol. Here it is: //===================piXel 26-1-2013============ private ["_dogHouse","_dogSound","_trg"]; _dogHouse = _this select 0; if (!isServer) then { _dogSound = createSoundSource ["Sound_LittleDog", getPosATL _dogHouse, [], 0]; }; if (isServer)...
  4. Phailyur

    Dogs and anomalies addin scripts

    I didn't take the spawns from your SQM, I made my own up. Is that bad? Here's what mine looks like: class Item100 { position[]={1962.3983,13.430456,2234.709}; placement=0; special="NONE"; id=100...
  5. Phailyur

    Dogs and anomalies addin scripts

    piXel, I've fixed my "waiting for host" issue but it seems my dog houses don't want to spawn. They don't have to be put in through the database do they?
  6. Phailyur

    Spectator Tools for Admins! DOWNLOAD + INSTALLATION (GCAM)

    Can anyone help me get this installed on my server? D: I'm desperate. Been trying for hours.