Recent content by planetrodriguez

  1. P

    Dayz standalone

    Hey guys now server owners can kick players using rcon. I am not sure how to use it. if anyone has been able to get this done please post.. my new DAYZ STANDALONE SERVER IS VISIT AND TRY IT OUT... THIS SERVER HAS WAY MORE SPAWN ITEMS, FOOD AND DRINKS...
  2. P

    Deployable bike, scroll wheel issue

    Thanks DangerRuss for the detailed instructions but the last part of your instructions you dont really explain. you say to copy the deploy and pack sqf to the root and call them in your init.sqf... well im not so good at this, so that part is not very clear to me. how do you call a document in...
  3. P

    [TUTORIAL] Deployable bike. {}

    thanks or the post, but what goes where? could you please specify which sqf goes in which folder. thats what i was meaning by clear instructions. some of you guys are very familiar with this stuff so no need for the details but the noobs like me need the step by step. i appreciate your time...
  4. P

    Anti-Zombie Zone

    how did you figure out the cordinates?
  5. P

    [TUTORIAL] Deployable bike. {}

    Can anyone PLEASE, make a clean post on how to deploy bike in dayz? ive been trying for days and all the instructions are either scattered or they just dont work. PLEASE someone post the whole thing from beginning to end. There are many that are not very experienced and need a simple written...
  6. P

    Auto Refuel, Deploy-able Bikes

    Can anyone PLEASE, make a clean post on how to deploy bike in dayz? ive been trying for days and all the instructions are either scattered or they just dont work. PLEASE someone post the whole thing from beginning to end. There are many that are not very experienced and need a simple written...
  7. P

    Deployable bike, scroll wheel issue

    Can anyone PLEASE, make a clean post on how to deploy bike in dayz? ive been trying for days and all the instructions are either scattered or they just dont work. PLEASE someone post the whole thing from beginning to end. There are many that are not very experienced and need a simple written...