Recent content by RayneMan

  1. R

    [Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

    i know that the rpt log is saying that it is not there. this is my problem but i have a folder inside the dayz_mission.pbo that is called debug. inside of the debug folder are the addmarkers.sqf, addmarkers75.sqf, remmarkers.sqf and remmarkers75.sqf. i dont know why they are not found. i have...
  2. R

    [Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

    yes that is the second piece of coding i put up
  3. R

    [Release] DayZChernarus Mission System

    ok i have tried everything to get the map markers to work and they just wont. i am no coder or scripter but i have looked at it and i do not see any reason why they should not work. this is the code for SM2 under major private ["_coords","_MainMarker","_wait"]; [] execVM...