Recent content by sgtsparragump

  1. S

    [Support] Dayz Epoch Origins

    How does one overwrite the sql when using heidi sql? Cannot find anything that will allow me to do that.
  2. S

    Trader Item additions, need explanation.

    Hi everyone, Using HeidiSQL with current epoch and arma 2 mod. The following item has been added to a trader, nice to buy but can't be sold can someone please explain what each line means? To me it means 8006 - Number in the traders_data...
  3. S

    Final server cleanup Part 1 - Trader Items

    This is how the sell price shows in the database (using Heidi SQL to modify) 8006 ["M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1 ",3] 254 [1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] [1,"ItemGoldBar10oz",1] 0 602 trade_weapons As far as I can tell the sell price is the same format as default weapons in epoch that do sell.
  4. S

    Editing Trader Prices [Solved]

    Are there multiple places you can get cinder from? just edited the wrong trader perhaps? i got that the first time I modified prices, I changed the wrong one.
  5. S

    Final server cleanup Part 1 - Trader Items

    Hi everyone, This will be part of my 4 part post on final issues being worked out on my server before it is completed. I have added items to the hero traders (4 guns, 1 heli and 1 car) They can all be bought no problems however they cannot be sold? Specifically the M249 Saw, M110 NV and the...