Recent content by skynetdev

  1. skynetdev

    Namalsk 0.741 tents not saving

    yes tents working fine now, thank you Plase check 120 line in 'namalsk' => '@DayZ_Namalsk;@DayZ_Namalsk_@DayZ', I think here something wrong I think should be like 'namalsk' => '@DayZ_Namalsk;@DayZ',
  2. skynetdev

    Namalsk 0.741 tents not saving

    Going to check.
  3. skynetdev

    Namalsk 0.741 tents not saving

    We need fix :(
  4. skynetdev

    Namalsk 0.741 tents not saving

    I tried to put this code in line 91 in server_monitor.sqf but this not fix problem
  5. skynetdev

    Spectator Tools for Admins! DOWNLOAD + INSTALLATION (GCAM)

    How to make scripts.txt for gcam
  6. skynetdev

    Dogs and anomalies addin scripts

    Every time when somebody of player near of me and I with dog, and when my dog starting bark, and then others know where I am. Need command for dog "Silent" then dog won't bark
  7. skynetdev

    Problems Installing

    It will be nice, thanks.
  8. skynetdev

    Problems Installing

    I'm going to read and also will test ;) thanks
  9. skynetdev

    Problems Installing

    So explain me please when I need to set YES and when I need to set NO here? Some examples? Or I can set here always YES? I still can't understand what is the difference For now what I understood that it will increase FPS if I will disable simulate zombies on server side because client side can...
  10. skynetdev

    Problems Installing

    Anyway I don't understand, if I will choose YES then what will happen? I will not find any zombies? or what? can you explain me please, because I think something missing here for clear understanding
  11. skynetdev

    Problems Installing

    Can somebody explain for what this options and what is mean? Also I think we need some description in control panel for each package when user will choose yes or no