Recent content by sobber67

  1. S

    Custom skins as drops

    Nope that isn't necessary anymore I think. I haven't done it and it works fine for me. Also the variables have nothing to do with the parcels, because the parcels are usually named for example "Skin_Camo1_DZ" and the models just "Camo1_DZ".
  2. S


    Im getting kicked for a whole lot of script restrictions. Is there a workaround for that in the scripts.txt other than commenting all these lines out?
  3. S

    Adding snow to your server

    Anyway to decrase the number of snowparticles? I think it is too much snow. What do I have to tweak for that?
  4. S

    Adding custom loot spawns?

    Nope in standard dayz the client triggers the loot.
  5. S

    Adding custom loot spawns?

    You have to add the lootdrops and-chances in the dayz_code->config.cpp, for example like this: class Custom_Lootspawn: Default { zombieChance = 0.7; maxRoaming = 4; zombieClass[] = {"zZombie_Base","z_teacher","z_villager1","z_villager2","z_villager3"}; lootChance...
  6. S

    Custom skins as drops

    I get sometimes a broken leg and I don't know why, but it doesn't seem to happen very often for me
  7. S

    Custom skins as drops

    With the code above you already made them into a parcel. Now you can add them to the lottables in the dayz_code->config.cpp or add them through the database
  8. S

    Custom skins as drops

    I would like to post a link on tunngle, but for some reason I can't... Ok all credits go to Dimedius for the following. Helped me very much. Thanks to him again:
  9. S

    New skins in pbo ?

    Not also, either unban it in dayz_anim (then you don't need the rmod), or simply activate rMod.
  10. S

    Sand Dust

    Just try it out yourself guys. On a server I'm getting really big FPS issues with this. Wouldn't it be possible to make the ground fog a bit lower- let's say as high as your knees? What do I have to change for this?
  11. S

    Study Body function

    That's what I mentioned in my startpost. The existing study_body.sqf should work. I don't know why it doesn't. If you look: _method = _body getVariable["deathType","unknown"]; There it gets the deathType, which should return a value like shotheavy, shothead etc.and this will be saved in...
  12. S

    Study Body function

    Yeah thought that too, but I don't seee deathreasons there. Just who shot who from which distance and weapon.
  13. S

    Study Body function

    Another Update: When I edit the study_body.sqf like this: private["_body","_name","_method","_methodStr"]; _body = _this select 3; _name = _body getVariable["bodyName","unknown"]; _method = _body getVariable["deathType","unknown"]; switch (_method) do { case "shothead"...
  14. S

    Study Body function

    Ok update: The only thing that I'm missing is the file where the deathreasons are decleared. Xou know, if it was bloodloss or a gunshot etc. All other things make sense. But I don't seem to find it. Does nobody have at least suggestions to finally solve this?
  15. S

    Adding snow to your server

    I would love to see this in combination with the dynamic weather effects script in the dayz_code. Any ideas how to add snow to this?