Recent content by storm514

  1. S

    Willing to Pay Scripter

    is there anyone that can help with the scripting still my Skype is quietstorm514 I keep crashing server thanks
  2. S

    need help with dzai

    I tried I tried everything m aybe if someone has just the dzai with patrols set to 5 I can try adding it or ill send my pbo to whoever can help me out
  3. S

    need help with dzai

    every time i chang line 126 //Maximum number of active AI air vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0). DZAI_maxHeliPatrols = 0; to //Maximum number of active AI air vehicle patrols. Set at 0 to disable (Default: 0). DZAI_maxHeliPatrols = 5; my server will not authenticate...
  4. S

    [Support] Offering Scripting Service for Gaming Communities or Servers

    im looking for help don't have Skype tho
  5. S

    If looking for help installing scripts on your server, look no further!

    hey im looking for help I want to install DZAI trader safezones, towing and a few other ones let me know asap if you can help me out