Recent content by styl3

  1. styl3

    DayZ Chenarus Auto Refuel! All stations!

    Your init.sqf is like this? if (!isDedicated) then {[] execVM "Scripts\kh_actions.sqf"; //Conduct map operations 0 fadeSound 0; waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg = (localize "STR_AUTHENTICATING");
  2. styl3

    DayZ Admin tools

    I had a problem like this in the beginning. in my case, I added a Sniper inside the backpack attached to code kits weapons, to run it, was kicked pro script # 115, to circumvent the problem, I edited my Scripts BattlEye line n ° 117 where it gets: 5 addWeaponCargoGlobal, needed to put the end...
  3. styl3

    DayZ Admin tools

    I do not know why, but your pbo does not open here. if you can level up in a different way, I can take a look!
  4. styl3

    DayZ Admin tools

    Well, from what I noticed, your ID would have to be placed in 4 different places. There in the "AdminToolsMain.sqf" are 2x A part of the "all admins" and in another part of the "super admins" After that would also place in file "activate.sqf" and finally, there in the file Debug. If your...
  5. styl3

    DayZ Admin tools

    Also put your ID in the file "activate.sqf"?
  6. styl3

    DayZ Admin tools

    That happened to me too, but it was because I did not make the correct changes in dayz_server.pbo Do this it will work!
  7. styl3

    DayZ Chenarus Auto Refuel! All stations!

    Hello, I am grateful to have shared this with us, here it worked without problems. But I have a doubt. It would be possible to add other buildings of this code so that the vehicle can refueling? For example: the "Land_A_FuelStation_Feed", works as a construction of refueling. If I switch to...
  8. styl3

    DayZ Admin tools

    Yes I totally understand your point of view. But in my case, I imagine that server administrators can have its vantanges without any problem, because admin is to for be admin. I think that fits in a dilemma of superiority. But this is just my point of view, I have nothing against! Even so...
  9. styl3

    DayZ Admin tools

    Hello, first I want to thank you for this work, it works perfectly! Could I do a question? about spaw vehicles added in this menu, they are working perfectly, except that when you restart the server, they are simply removed from the map. Is there any way to let them fixed to the map so that...
  10. styl3

    HALO Jump Tutorial - Simplified

    I was a little confused by the last part: "open dayz_server.pbo and replace these files : dayz_server.pbo\compiles\server_updateObject.sqf dayz_server.pbo\system\server_cleanup.fsm replace them with attached (change extention of the server_cleanup.fsm.txt to .fsm !)" How should I go about this?
  11. styl3

    Excelsior Bridge - Chernarus

    Maybe because it's missing a }; When you close the class of vehicles, must have 3 in this order in its has only 2. The order would look something like this: class Item11 { side = "EMPTY"; id = 12; position [] = {13260.079, -3.0727394...
  12. styl3

    Idea : Car Radio - Multiple Track Selection

    In fact, this work is not my own, I know who is the creator of it. My friend (Brazilian), I'll be in touch shortly bring news.
  13. styl3

    Idea : Car Radio - Multiple Track Selection

    Anyone on the server can hear the songs played on any vehicle on map. Works like a sound of a car, for example, when you're around, music has a sound loud ... when away, the sound tends to be low, and so on ... people can hear music in relation to distance from it to the vehicle. :p
  14. styl3

    Idea : Car Radio - Multiple Track Selection

    It would be something bout what is this server?
  15. styl3

    Excelsior Bridge - Chernarus

    I do not know if it is correct, it seems to me that this part of the bridge is displaced, ie, does not follow a reta.Eu just copied your code and pasted it altogether. Knows I could be this? grateful! ;)