Recent content by superlube

  1. superlube

    DX | Custom Debug Monitor

    Here you go: dayz_spaceInterrupt = { private ["_dikCode", "_handled"]; _dikCode = _this select 1; _handled = false; if (_dikCode == 0x44) then { if (debugMonitor) then { debugMonitor = false; hintSilent ""; } else {[] spawn fnc_debug;}...
  2. superlube

    DX | Custom Debug Monitor

    The server restart code was mentioned in an earlier post: One note, if you add any extra lines to my default monitor, it may start covering the HUD. You may obviously delete whatever you want from mine to meet your standards. Not on my server . I suspect something may be conflicting with...
  3. superlube

    DX | Custom Debug Monitor

    Here is my code for a toggle debug monitor which I have adapted from many sources and made my own. Personally, I think it's a lot easier to install then some of the tutorials here. Just save config below as debug.sqf, put it in your mission folder and include the following line in the init.sqf...
  4. superlube

    DayZ Private Server Files Pack (1.8.8)
  5. superlube

    Help! Cannot change server difficulty to Expert

    Go to cfgdayz/users/cfgdayz/cfgdayz.ArmAOAProfile. This defines the settings for each difficulty. Find the difficulty you set in the server.cfg eg... class Veteran { class Flags { 3rdPersonView=1; armor=0; autoAim=0...
  6. superlube

    Origins Server?

    Love you Dami! GP has betrayed a lot of people - good to see people with previous ties stepping up. It's a shame such a good mod was created by such corrupt people.
  7. superlube

    DayZ Private Server Files Pack (1.8.8)

    r4z0r had mentioned an issue with the mission file generator which is now fixed. Has this been added to the latest build?
  8. superlube

    Mod Code?
  9. superlube

    Anti Combat logging - DiscoBot

    Weird, I am having none of these issues. I'm using Stapo's Lite dayz pack without rmod if that helps. While I haven't specifically tried closing the game via alt tab + click close (I pressed Esc then Alt f4'd), I assumed it would still fall under the same category as 'disconnected' and would...
  10. superlube

    Anti Combat logging - DiscoBot

    It doesn't stop you combat logging. It spawns a bot in your place allowing players to kill you. I personally tested this by running a separate DayZ session on a VM but you could always get a mate to test it out with you.
  11. superlube

    Anti Combat logging - DiscoBot

    The bot does sync with the database once is disappears or dies. I suspect it would be no different to grabbing the DMR out of the bag out of an actual player. The DMR might be dupable during high server load but again, probably would happen anyway even with a real player. The only issue right...
  12. superlube

    Anti Combat logging - DiscoBot

    Anti Combat logging - DiscoBot help and discussion here (Make sure you backup any files you edit prior to following these instructions) To install the bots, you need to first unpack your dayz_server.pbo file. Then copy the following files into the 'compile' folder: server_botDamage.sqf...
  13. superlube

    Vehicle Refueling / Repairing Bugged

    I haven't confirm this but a few people who play on my server have stated that you can avoid this issue if you get inside the drivers seat first before trying to repair the vehicle.
  14. superlube

    InCombat logout punishment

    Any word on that tut? I had a few tries and failed :(
  15. superlube

    Anti Combat logging - DiscoBot

    Yep, that's what I've done.