Recent content by swiftplague

  1. S

    Modifying Survivor Spawn Locations

    Hey i currently am trying to get custom spawn positions working for a custom map im making using sauerland and it keeps spawning me and my players in debug is there any way you can help it just gives a huge performance warning during this time and no actual errors
  2. S

    [Support] DZMS DayZ Mission System

    Hey just installed this mission system on my epoch server and i now get black screen and 17:51:38 "DayZ Epoch: MPframework inited" 17:51:38 Error in expression <eight = round ((_itemChances select _l) * 100); for "_k" from 0 to _weight - 1 d> 17:51:38 Error position: <* 100); for "_k" from 0...
  3. S

    Krixes - Self Bloodbag Script

    Hey, Have this script working on 3 of my standard dayz servers and i went and added it to my epoch server and well the menu does not show up for self bloodbag, I use blur antihack on all servers and files are mainly the same were i can get away with it but no matter what i try or how i try my...
  4. S

    Black list spawn area

    Is there a way to create a do not spawn zone or a script to kill ai in specific areas? I have some areas on my map that i do not want ai in and is it possible to have those ai not spawn or kill them and delete the bodies?
  5. S

    Custom loadouts

    Has this been fixed i have spent over 7 hours on this and i can get single start loadout to work but no Multiple custom loadouts. i Would love a response asap if anyone knows why or what will fix this Be it a script/sqf or a database fix.
  6. S

    Ammo Box writing to Database help

    I have gotten it saving to database but the ammo crate deletes it self randomly from map stays in db items update properly but it deletes the ammo crate. If you have it so it does not delete any tips. i updated battleye and the safe objects lists But to get it to save you need to update...
  7. S

    Base Building DayZ 1.2 Released

    Hi today i modified base building and added tents and deployables into it to build them using the actual item ie tent sandbags wire tank traps and such, afterwards it works just fine but the ingame menu the visuals show the tent as scrap metal when its in my inventory how would i increase the...
  8. S


    i have ran a dayz server for the past 2 months using wamp and kept having issues so today gave dayzcc a try, all went great till i got to tsw, after fireing server up and tsw up i got an unexpected crash from the server saying fault at module databasemysql.dll at address anyhow after looking on...
  9. S

    Server logon

    Since i have had a weird random bug On logging into my server players seem to have a glitch were the ui does not respond no sound no noise modifiers, loot and zombies do not spawn, they found a fix were if you go into video settings then the ui and everything starts working zombies...
  10. S

    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    So your issue most likely lies in this brennan, here is a snippet from my server ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!isDedicated) then { //Conduct map operations 0 fadeSound 0; waitUntil {!isNil "dayz_loadScreenMsg"}; dayz_loadScreenMsg...
  11. S

    Silent Warrior Anti-hack/ Admin tool.

    i was having some of these issues albiet intermitant issues plus the error below 1:10:10 Error in expression <["if(getPlayerUID player == 'xxxxxxxxx')th> 1:10:10 Error position: <"if(getPlayerUID player == 'xxxxxxxxx')th> 1:10:10 Error Missing "" 1:10:10 Error in expression <["if(getPlayerUID...
  12. S

    Silent Warrior Anti-hack/ Admin tool.

    i fixed this early this morning via a database one of the tables had a bunch of uid's that looked like 'xxxxxxxxxxx' i cleared those out as they were regular users and all the errors went away, it was under the tswtemp table i believe. was tired and did not fully pay attention just saw the same...
  13. S

    Silent Warrior Anti-hack/ Admin tool.

    yea this are the ones from my logs 1:10:10 Error in expression <["if(getPlayerUID player == 'xxxxxxxxx')th> 1:10:10 Error position: <"if(getPlayerUID player == 'xxxxxxxxx')th> 1:10:10 Error Missing "" 1:10:10 Error in expression <["if(getPlayerUID player == 'xxxxxxxxx')th> 1:10:10...
  14. S

    How do I make loot spawn when in a Vehicle?

    If possible innuce can you paste your full changes to get this to work so far ive read through this 5 times and done all possible changes several times starting from scratch to no avail so please if you can let us know exact changes thank you in advance
  15. S

    [Release] Fred's Wardrobe v1.0.2

    I found the issue it was infact my mysql my.ini for my db after tweaking a few settings it stopped and also noticed a more responsive feel guess it was just something that was caused when i added the script thank you for the tips and attempt to help