Recent content by Teleporter

  1. Teleporter

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    Thank you very much for Reality Statistics!
  2. Teleporter

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    This script set correctly direction and Z coordinate when you use 3D SQF Mission Parser! \include\function\reality\mission_parser.func.php
  3. Teleporter

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    Yeah, i create new script with fixes, please add it to your build
  4. Teleporter

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    Maybe this script help you! And this, Direction is important parametr, please fix your panel. Sorry for my bad english!
  5. Teleporter

    Private Hive Tools [PHP]

    What about "_this setDir" in "mission_parser.func.php" when import to MySQL base vehicles and buildings?