Recent content by TiNkLeS

  1. T

    [Support] Animated Vehicles

    For the packing issues i just took the pack.sqf from air2.pbo/mv22/scripts and put it in my missions script folder in mission pbo and used mv22_pack = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "scripts\pack.sqf"; all works fine for me great addition.
  2. T

    custom buildings not spawning?

    already got it fixed and it was working if you read it was working fine then i added it to my already modded folder and it no longer worked but i just moved the call line from bottom of Init to the isserver block and it works just fine.
  3. T

    custom buildings not spawning?

    So i used the editor and made some custom buildings for Epoch panthera and with original pbo's they work but when i add them to my customized pbo's they dont spawn in dont know if it's DZAI messing with them or what has anyone had a problem with this or any help would be greatly appreciated.
  4. T

    Strip vehicles for parts
  5. T

    DZAI Panthera Spawn place help

    ok so having some trouble with the custom spawns i had them working then i added 2 more groups and now none work my files are as such markers_panthera2.sqf /* Panthera spawn point definitions Notes: Markers are used to manually-specify exact locations to use as spawn...