Recent content by WeaponTheyFear7

  1. WeaponTheyFear7

    DZSCC doesnt work with winXP?

    You just need the latest .NET framework and it should work fine.
  2. WeaponTheyFear7

    [How-To] Customize the Starting Gear/Loadout (no custom dayz_code req.)

    Thanks! Successfully added an M9 and two mags to my fresh spawns.
  3. WeaponTheyFear7

    Strange error

    go into "\cfgdayz\Users\cfgdayz" and open the cfgdayz arma 2 oa profile file, there you will find how to edit specific features of the difficulties, such as crosshairs.
  4. WeaponTheyFear7

    DayZ Taviana 3.0 Update rolling changelist

    I am not "spazing out" or starting "totally unfounded rumors", merely pointing out the developments of the last few months and the feedback I have received from developers, server admins, and users alike. It would only make sense that these devs leave their projects in a (relatively) bug-free...
  5. WeaponTheyFear7

    DayZ Taviana 3.0 Update rolling changelist

    I hope you are right; I really do.
  6. WeaponTheyFear7

    DayZ Taviana 3.0 Update rolling changelist

    Plus you can see the website; it is spammed with garbage ads and spam. Also notice today's date: 3/13, about a week over his expected release, and we haven't gotten notification either. <rant> Origins has butchered developers' morale and outlook on where...
  7. WeaponTheyFear7

    DayZ Taviana 3.0 Update rolling changelist

    Taviana looks dead guys. Heard some awful stuff and with this release not coming out as we expected I feel like it's over.
  8. WeaponTheyFear7

    DayZTavi 4.0 (Pwnoz0r Build)

    I would just like to extend a personal "thank you" for doing this. I love Taviana and was getting fed up with how Taviana and Origins were being handled. I wish you all the best of luck along with this, as well as the Community Server Package. I would also like to add that I am in disbelief of...
  9. WeaponTheyFear7

    Multitude of issues trying to connect to server

    1. Try updating without using DayZ Commander and make sure that the beta patch you are launching is the latest one. Generally, updating (base) Arma 2, then updating OA fully, then updating to the latest beta patch, then updating DayZ is the best way. Doing those out of order can mess up your...
  10. WeaponTheyFear7

    I have 3 questions. VPS Linux

    I believe the Arma installation alone is ~18GB
  11. WeaponTheyFear7

    Script Restriction #44 Chernarus

    Thank you, that fixed it. Although now that I read more into it, I am going to add a refueling script to my Chernarus map.
  12. WeaponTheyFear7

    I have 3 questions. VPS Linux

    1. Define "houses"; like in-game houses? custom ones? 2. The Gamespy (in-game) browser should show it, DayZ Commander should show it. 3. That isn't enough hard drive space, and I doubt that is enough RAM either.
  13. WeaponTheyFear7

    Script Restriction #44 Chernarus

    My friends and I started up our own server recently. Everything was working fine up until we were all getting kicked for "Script Restriction #44" each time we used a jerry can to refuel a vehicle. We were able to fill vehicles before, we do not have any sort of auto-refuel either. I have tried...