Recent content by wizardpanda

  1. W

    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    Yeah, thanks I didn't really understand what it meant because you've probably heard this a lot but I'm kinda new to PBO editing so yeah, but thanks for the help :)
  2. W

    [Tutorial] Custom Loot Tables and Adjusting Spawn Rates

    When I start my dayZ server I'm not sure why but only recently has it started to say File mpmissions\dayz_1.chernarus\CfgLoot.hpp, line 74: Config: '{' after food[] = { Then it kicks me from the server, can someone please help me
  3. W

    [WORKING] Admin Tool

    S So I disabled battleeye, and then logged in as admin and then clicked tools menu, and then nothing happened, if possible help :) thanks
  4. W

    [WORKING] Admin Tool

    So I use your downloaded chernarus 1 file and it works and the scroll menu comes up but I click it and get script restriction #151, help if possible
  5. W

    Public Variable Restriction #0

    this also comes up in the console *player* connected (id =*********), player #0: (Global) Welcome back, *player* Verified GUID (**********) Roles assigned Reading mission ... Mission read. Player *player* kicked off by PublicVariableRestriction #0
  6. W

    Public Variable Restriction #0

    Hey this is a little late but I just installed admin tools for my server and before I installed it everything was working even with the added things on top (self blood bag, custom loot table etc) but as soon as I got admin tools I got the same error when someone tried to join:- *player*...