Recent content by Wukey

  1. W

    Need a little help on adding traders.

    So hi guys i want to add my own trader 2 traders infact and need some help on going about it id also like to add the location of the trader onto the map with a symbol to there location. Thanks
  2. W

    How do i change the text on abort screen?

    Can't seem to find it im using a built in one on my control panel but i have a copy already i might install the copy i have hopfully i get the .sqf i need
  3. W

    How do i change the text on abort screen?

    Mine has like gtx gaming then infistar how do i change it?
  4. W

    in need of some help epoch

    Looking for a right click blood bag to self BB and a deploy menu for bike motor bike mozzie for right clicking tool box can anybody help?
  5. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    finaly found the mission pbo i had to extract each one separately links updated.
  6. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    Can anybody help me with vilayer?
  7. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    Ok so my player ID is 127427910
  8. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    Ok so i can find my Server_PBO but i cant find my mission PBO
  9. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    Sounds good ill send the files shortly i would like the plot pole and not sure about god if that means god mode when building id like that off buts the rest is fine and the admin tools look at the top of this post id like those if u can.
  10. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    Yes Havent decided and server name just yet and for the admin tools you will need my Player id and im not sure how you get that up on vilayer
  11. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    Maybe we can just do it over PM on here i can send you my Server/Mission and you edit those and send me them back?
  12. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    Vilayer and Epoch/chernarus
  13. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    And i also dont mind paying for this i do have skype, i can only type cant really speak my son is asleep behind me
  14. W

    Paying a somebody to script my server (PP)

    I dont have TS :(